Posted in Podcast

New Year New Me

What are your New Years resolutions? In this episode Helaina and Morgan discuss their new years resolutions and plans to better themselves for at least the first week of January. Also, please make sure Morgan has taken the applesauce out of her pocket.

We are now on instagram! Follow us @questionsnoonecaresabout for updates on when we post and what we are up to!

Posted in Podcast

Why Walking?

Why has society made walking the main and most common locomotion when there are so many other ways we can move? In our first episode, Helaina and Morgan discuss walking, and whether or not we should be following this trend or stepping out of our comforts zone and revisiting some of the locomotions of our youth for a more entertaining and inclusive world.

Posted in Uncategorized

Welcome/Podcast History

Welcome to our podcast website. On here you will find all podcasts hosted by the lovely and awkward Helaina and Morgan. We are two young adults who seem like we could and should have their life together, but we most definitely do not. But we can assure you we are doing things with our lives, but whether they are meaningful or productive, the answer is probably no. 

The birth of this podcast happened on one of our many car rides around the city. One day while Morgan was driving and probably lost somewhere, we were having our usual conversations which switch numerous times between serious life topics, and laughing hysterically at something that probably wasn’t supposed to be funny.

It was then brought up that we have answered a lot of life’s unimportant questions on our car rides, and we felt like we should share our wisdom with the world. So after a lot of procrastination, alas, the podcast was born. 

We are both very unqualified to be giving advice or making important life decisions, but we are extremely qualified in talking, making people laugh and making other people uncomfortable. 

Our podcast was built for those of you who have any questions about life that you have always wondered but never got answered. We will put you out of that wonder and answer those questions for you, potentially without judgement. We understand how crazy and weird this world is, and we would like to make it a little less crazy for you, and perhaps a little more weird. 

If you have any burning questions about anything, anything at all, please comment them on our most recent podcast, and we may answer them for you.

Our hope is to post a new podcast whenever possible. Thanks again for clicking and we hope that the time you spend putting off other important things listening to us, makes your day a little happier.

For updates on new podcasts or for more info on our podcasts you can follow us on Instagram @questionsnoonecaresabout